logitech chorus 1
Smart Life

Logitech Chorus Headphones Clip To Oculus Quest 2 And Promise Ultra-realistic Audio

Logitech just introduced one of the few third-party accessories for Quest 2, the Meta-owned VR headset.

The company just revealed the Logitech Chorus, a pair of open-back headphones that clip onto the Quest 2 to bring “immersive, ultra-realistic audio”.

The sleek headphones swivel in order to offer the most comfortable wearing position and their open-back, off-the ear design means you won’t be totally cut off from ambient noise while in the metaverse, like with a pair of in-ear or over-ear headphones.

If you want to quickly jump back to reality, rotating the Logitech Chorus puts the headset on mute, while flipping it down starts the sound again.

logitech chorus oculus quest

The Logitech Chorus are powered through the Quest 2 USB-C port and support USB-C passthrough, so you can connect other devices to them.

Retailing for $99, they could be a great, more affordable gift for VR enthusiasts.

The Logitech Chorus is already up for preorder, though a launch date isn’t available on the site yet. 

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Logitech Chorus Headphones Clip To Oculus Quest 2 And Promise Ultra-realistic Audio

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