
Machine Learning App Gives Your iPhone A Mind Of Its Own

Google’s AlphaGo showed us artificial intelligence can beat human intuition and smarts at one of the most complex games in existence. Tomorrow, it might replace actual jobs and other serious tasks, especially since more and more companies work on AI programs. One Oakland-based studio is part of those, after having released an app that can describe what a smartphone camera sees.

AI Scry is able to tell you what you’re looking at, with the help of machine learning technologies. By using the open-sourced Neural Talk, the app takes a few more or less accurate guesses on the image in front of it. While it perfectly identifies a slice of pizza on a white plate, it gets stuck on weirder items such as a cactus in a pot, mistaking it with “a person holding a bowl of broccoli and a spoon”.

Sam Kronik, one of AI Scry’s developers, explains that the app isn’t supposed to be taken seriously: “[It’s] complete with weird quirks and idiosyncrasies that can be traced back to the chain of humans who designed, programmed, and trained the system.” Although that may be true, in the near future this app or a similar one could be of invaluable help to visually impaired people.


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