
Microsoft Hololens Will Let You Fight Alongside Lothar For The Realm

Microsoft Hololens continues to be a total tease, but we can’t complain. While an official launch for users is yet to be announced, Microsoft is set on building awesome experiences with movie studios. The latest collaboration will bring Lothar and other Warcraft characters from the cinema theater to the living room #realitymagic

Microsoft shook hands with Legendary Pictures to break down barriers between fans and fantasy stories through Hololens. If all goes well, users will be able to fight alongside key characters from Warcraft for the Horde or the Realm or unite against Kaiju in a “Pacific Rim 2” experience. For now, the studio has revealed what this interactive session would look like by taking Ogrim Doomhammer to Warcraft premieres and see it playfully fight with the human cast.

“To capture actors and real objects as holograms, we use a holographic video capture studio. We record the actors using dozens of synchronized RGB and infrared cameras on a calibrated green-screen stage. We are able to capture the motion, shape, and appearance of the performer, producing something like video but viewable from any angle, at any moment of recording”, explained the process Kudo Tsunoda, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft.

The official video looks really good, so you’ll have to think twice about how you’re gonna fill those fall afternoons. Saving up and buying a Microsoft Hololens might just be worth it.

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