
Millenials and Gen Z Abandoning Facebook En Masse: 44 Percent of Young Users Deleted the App This Year


Last year’s events and scandals around Facebook and privacy issues did not go away for the company, users did. A new Pew survey shows alarming figures for the social media giant, pointing to a veritable Facebook exodus.

An alarming 44 percent of US Facebook users between 18 to 29, colloquially known as millennials and Gen Zs, uninstalled their Facebook app this year.

The numbers aren’t better in the overall picture, as 26 percent of survey respondents of all ages say they deleted the app. 42 percent of the user base decided to “take a break” from Facebook for several weeks.

pew research survey facebook post cambridge analytica

A good sign for privacy and security advocates is the percentage of users who decided to adjust their Facebook privacy settings: more than half of Facebook users decided to better control their data (54 percent).

The Pew Research survey was done after the Cambridge Analytica revelations and the following scandal around the data breach implications, with 3,400 respondents, all over the age of 18.

The most alarming number for Facebook’s leaders? All in all, post-Cambridge Analytica, 74 percent of polled Facebook users from the US deleted their Facebook app, took a break from the social media platform or adjusted their privacy settings.

This directly contradicts what Aleksandr Kogan, the app developer who gave the stolen Facebook data to Cambridge Analytica, said back in May.

“The belief in Silicon Valley and certainly our belief… was that the general public must be aware that their data is being sold and shared and used to advertise to them. And nobody cares,” he declared then.

Also read: ✍Facebook Under Fire: Even WhatsApp Founder Says #deletefacebook”✍

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