
MIT’ New Code Promises Faster Browsing With 34%


You might enjoy impressive Internet speeds, but complex websites still require a ridiculous amount of time to load. A team from MIT worked on a technique that could help reduce that time by 34%.

Called Polaris, the system was developed by the University’s at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, with the idea of compiling all objects from a web page and their dependencies into a graph. So, once you search for a site and access it, the browser starts gathering data from HTML files to pictures and JavaScript. Each piece of information is evaluated and added as fast as it can. Only in the process the computer realizes that most of the objects found are dependent on others and need time to scoop those up too.

Polaris could eliminate this unnecessary steps. MIT’s code would log all dependancies and inter-dependancies in the same time. Before revealing their accomplishment, the team tested thetheory on a range of sites (200) including weather.com and wikipedia.org. The results were more than good – Polaris loaded the sites 34% faster than our normal browsers do.

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