
Microsoft Now Putting You Through A Poll Before Installing Google Chrome

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Just how far will Microsoft go to convince you to not use their browser Edge just to download Google’s browser, Chrome?

This time, people are now reporting Microsoft actually putting you through an emotionally-manipulative poll before you can download Google Chrome on Windows.

Neowin points out that, when downloading Chrome on Edge, not only do you have to dismiss a few banners, there’s also a full-sized ad and a poll to boot.

The poll in question would be inoffensive in another life but, after so many annoying Microsoft ‘features’, now feels simply manipulative.

It says the following:

We love having you! Can you please take a minute to tell us why you are trying another browser?

I can’t search Google easily

I can’t access my Google documents

I don’t have my favorites or passwords here

Too many ads and pop-ups

I don’t like the news feed

It’s too slow

My websites don’t work on Microsoft Edge

My reason is not listed”

Screenshot captured by

Wish they’d just fix the problems with Teams not showing you as available

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