
7 Benefits of Mobile Learning to Access Training on the Go

girl holding phone on a park bench

With the rapid shift towards mobile device usage, the way of acquiring knowledge and learning new skills is also changing. The traditional way of learning by sitting in a classroom or using a computer is no longer popular. 

More and more people are shifting towards mobile learning, especially in the form of microlearning. This change is giving people the power to learn whenever and wherever they want. It’s also making us think differently about education and skill development. Let’s discuss how mobile learning is revolutionizing the learning experience and the benefits of microlearning

The Rise of Mobile Learning:

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have become a big part of our lives. From sending emails to watching videos and even shopping online, we use them a lot. These pocket-sized devices are powerhouses within arm’s reach. 

Using mobile devices for learning has become popular, and microlearning is leading the way in this trend. This is changing how we learn and making it more convenient and accessible for everyone. 

Let’s Discuss What Microlearning is:

Micro means small, and microlearning means small and focused learning units. Microlearning delivers learning objectives in a small, concise, and straightforward manner. These bite-sized learning nuggets can be taken in the form of videos, infographics, quizzes, or brief text-based modules. 

The main reason behind this concept is that when a piece of information is shared in a compact portion, it is easier to remember and digest. 

The Benefits of Mobile-Compatible Microlearning:

Now that we have already discussed the basics of mobile learning and microlearning, let’s look at the benefits they hold and try to understand how they help learners access training anytime. 

#1. The Freedom of Learning Regardless of Place and Timing:

Gone are the days when training meant sitting at a meeting hall and listening to the instructor at a particular time. Things have changed now! Mobile learning has come into the picture. 

Imagine you are traveling on the metro while commuting to the office. You have your phone with you, and instead of just sitting idly, you can start learning at any time. 

One of the most significant advantages of mobile-compatible microlearning is that you can learn anywhere and at any time, whether on a train, waiting at the airport, or just having a few minutes between meetings. It helps you turn your idle moments into productive learning time. 

#2. Increased Engagement and Retention:

Traditional learning modules usually have lengthy training sessions, which can often be a bit too much and make your brain feel like it’s working too hard. 

On the other hand, micro-training sessions offer concise and focused learning modules. This targeted approach helps employees get more interested and engaged in their learning, and they can remember better. Higher engagement levels and increased retention rates are the result of it. As per reports, mobile learning sessions have seen a 72% increase in engagement. 

Research shows that knowledge retention can be improved by 55% when delivered through mobile learning because of its versatile content, like videos and gamification. Short-term content aligns with the limitations of working memory. 

#3. Flexibility and Adaptability:

The business world is changing too fast, and employees must keep up with the latest trends to be updated with what’s happening in the market. Mobile learning offers the best flexible solution to them because of its adaptability to the evolving needs of learners and organizations. 

Businesses can update their learning content and distribute it in real-time so that employees can always have access to the most relevant and current information. This approach helps both businesses and employees stay up-to-date with the latest trends. 

#4. Cost-Efficient Training Approach:

Traditional classroom-based learning sessions often need dedicated training rooms, physical copies of learning materials, and travel expenses. Organizations can save all these expenses by implementing mobile-compatible microlearning methods. 

This approach improves the impact on the effectiveness of training. Employees can use their own devices to access the learning modules, eventually removing the expenses associated with tech.

#5. Accessibility and Diversity:

Many businesses have opted for remote workplaces after the pandemic, but they face issues while training diverse employees as their L&D investment. Mobile learning addresses this issue of accessibility. 

Training content can be available for everyone, no matter their physical location, time zone, or individual circumstances. The best part is this content has screen reader features, which is especially beneficial for employees with disabilities. 

Mobile training modules are accessible 24/7 for employees to fit learning into their busy schedules. Businesses can integrate learning modules into their existing tech platform so that employees can use the content whenever they need it. 

#6. Tracking Progress and Performance:

When implementing digital learning platforms, businesses get easy access to powerful analytics. They can easily track learner’s progress and performance. 

Mobile-compatible learning content can give even more detailed information about how people are using them in real-time. This information helps improve the learning materials, customize each person’s learning journey, and identify areas where learners might need extra support. 

#7. Easily Fit into Daily Routines:

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. We use them more than a book. Mobile learning leverages this advantage by integrating learning materials into mobile devices. It’s easy and feels normal for people to use them for training. This kind of learning fits easily into daily schedules, whether it’s a quick quiz while having lunch or a short video on the way home. 

The Future of Learning:

Using microlearning as mobile content is changing how we approach learning and training. It helps learners be in charge of their own learning, giving them more choices, making them more personal, and easier to get a grasp of. 

With the rise of mobile learning, businesses are increasingly adopting this new way of learning. They need to stay competitive with technology, working on getting better and better with time. 

Final Words:

Mobile learning lets employees learn whenever and wherever they want, without any limits. It uses a different approach of sharing information with easy, short, personalized lessons to help them remember things better. 

Mobile-compatible learning can fit easily into employee’s daily routines, and it’s not even too expensive. The best part is that anyone can use it as an inclusive learning approach. Going along with this new way of learning isn’t just a small change – it’s a big step in the right direction of education and training. 

Image by Silviu on the street on Pixabay

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