
Musk To Cap Production Of Boring Company Caps At 50,000

boring company

Throw your wackiest idea out there and Elon Musk will be the first to catch it and play with it. The courage and determination of Tesla and SpaceX’ CEO made the Boring Company possible, a project to relieve traffic congestion by building tunnels beneath the earth for hyperloop pods and cars to zip along the electric skates. Although there’s still a long way to go until the tunnels can open, Musk is not wasting time – its Boring Co. caps are selling like hotcakes and the CEO said it will cap the production at 50,000 #automagic

Musk took to Twitter this weekend to reveal his plans concerning the most boring, black cap out there:

Why 50,000 hats? Well, at $20/each, this would amount to fundraising $1 million for the venture, as one user noticed. Musk didn’t bother to deny it, on the contrary. All hat sales “go directly towards more boring”, he added. The Boring Hat game continued, Musk joking that “every 5,000th buyer of our boringly boring hat will get a free hat signed by the delivery guy” and the delivery will happen “within the real, but fictional (of course), tunnel we are building under LA while you drive the giant machine blindfolded.”

If you recall, Elon Musk talked seriously about this idea last year, in December: “Traffic is driving me nuts. Am going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging. It shall be called ‘The Boring Company.’ Boring, it’s what we do.” At the time, we all thought it was a joke or merely one of Elon’s quirky ideas. But as his team begun construction on the tunnel and received verbal approval from the government to connect New York City to Washington, D.C., the discussion got serious.

So much so, that last week Musk told his Twitter followers Boring Company would compete for a contract to build a “high-speed Loop connecting Chicago O’Hare Airport to downtown”. Plus, they’ve since released the plans for the LA tunnel that would connect Los Angeles International Airport to Culver City, Santa Monica, Westwood, and Sherman Oaks:

*The red line represents the proof-of-concept tunnel for tests, while the blue ones show the possible routes if the tunnels are approved.


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