
New Android Feature Can Save Storage Space Without Deleting Apps

How many times did you want to install and try interesting apps only to be deterred by the lack of storage space? Or had to delete less-used by still exciting apps to make some room? Well, Android is about to make those times less painful and fewer, altogether, thanks to a new feature.

“Hibernation” is the name of a new feature Android could soon introduce to its users. For now, it seems that the Android Open Source Project team is planning to launch it in time for Android 12.

When that happens, users will be able to compress the apps installed on their phones, clearing cache at the same time, instead of uninstalling them to save storage space.

At least, that’s what the name and several Gerrit entries suggest.

As with any hibernation state, there is a moment where the subject wakes up. So will be the case of the apps that are put by the system (automatically) or by the user (manually) in that state. Once the user decides to wake them up, the apps are uncompressed.

However, until Android 12 arrives, the manner in which apps will go into hibernation is still up in the air. We’ll have to wait and see how Android will implement this very useful, very timely feature.

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New Android Feature Can Save Storage Space Without Deleting Apps

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