
New “Quantum Material” Could “Download Your Brain” Sometime Soon

One of the things that makes science so amazing is its element of surprise that goes beyond imagination: what seemed impossible yesterday, has potential today.

You probably didn’t expect this, but scientists said they recently developed a new “quantum material”. Apparently, this could one day transfer data from the human brain to a computer.

Although in early stages, the research introduces concepts like uploading brains to the cloud by hooking people up to a computer in order to get deep health metrics.

Presented in the research published in the Nature Communications Journal as a “nickelate lattice”, the quantum material could translate the brain’s electrochemical signals into electrical activity, that could be read by a computer.

“We can confidently say that this material is a potential pathway to building a computing device that would store and transfer memories,” Purdue University engineer Shriram Ramanathan confirmed for ScienceBlog.

At the moment, the new material is only able to detect the activity of some neurotransmitters, but if the tech progresses, it could be useful in diagnosing neurological diseases or store memories.

“Imagine putting an electronic device in the brain, so that when natural brain functions start deteriorating, a person could still retrieve memories from that device,” Ramanathan said.

This kind of progress is both amazing, yet scary, how do you feel about it?

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