
Nintendo Mini Direct Partner Showcase Shows Shin Megami Tensei Releases, Cadence of Hyrule DLC

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Short and sweet, the Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase showed off a few games Switch owners can expect from third-party developers in the near future. Although no information was given on the rest of Nintendo’s 2020 plans, the games announced are definitely things to be excited about both in the near and far future.

Without further ado, here’s what was announced at the July 20th, 2020 Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase:

Cadence of Hyrule DLC

Cadence of Hyrule was a beloved indie game that combined the series’ rhythm mechanics with Legend of Zelda. Rather unexpectedly, it was announced that the game will have three DLC packs coming in the future.

DLC Pack 1 brings Impa, Aria, Shadow Link, Shadow Zelda and Frederick, each with their own attack style. DLC Pack 2 will be a Melody Pack, adding 39 songs, some being remixed versions of the background music. DLC Pack 3 is called the Symphony of the Mask, which is additional story content centered around Skull Kid with new areas and songs.

DLC Pack 1 is available now, as well as a Season Pass, with the other two DLC will come later. The entire package (base game + Season Pass) will be available as a separate game come October 23rd.

Rogue Company

This new online multiplayer shooter will coming to the Switch soon. Although not much information was shared at the Direct, it was announced that it would support cross-platform play from Day 1.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds

WWE 2K Battlegrounds looks like a mini and more cartoonish version of the WWE gaming format. It will be available September 18th.

Shin Megami Tensei

There were two games announced from Atlus’s cult classic Shin Megami Tensei. The first is a Shin Megami Tensei III Nocture HD Remaster will be available in Spring 2021 in the West. The second announcement is related to Shin Megami Tensei V, a game which has gone essentially radio silent after it was first announced. Although not much gameplay was shown, it was given a simultaneous worldwide release set for 2021.

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