
No Need For A Ping Pong Trainer! This Smart Table Does All The Work

A little competition never hurt anyone, right? With that in mind, tennis table (ping pong) has become a relaxing sport for anyone, at any age. But to really keep the game going, you need to learn the basics first. This smart ping pong table promises to help you win every match, without human assistance! #realitymagic

Table Tennis Trainer is an interactive ping pong table developed by Thomas Mayer, a student at Germany’s University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd, for his thesis. His idea was to create a system that could track the ping pong ball in real time, thus creating data visualizations for players and trainers.

Augmented reality helped Mayer developed a “projected mapped interface” that shows players profiles, from your highscores, to your weak and strong points and of course, tips on how to land a serve. To make his AR table a reality, Mayer used two Playstation CL-eye cameras and a full HD projector; these succeeded in tracking the ball during the game and in processing the data. Once he had enough information on his hands, he proceeded to create display panels.

For now, Table Tennis Trainer is still a prototype, but an invention so cool will surely find its customers soon.

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