
OnePlus 3, To Receive All Future Software Updates

OnePlus 3

The latest One Plus device, launched last week, made OnePlus 3 users cringe at the idea of having to give up their six-month-old smartphone so soon. Besides, the new phone’s price isn’t nearly as attractive as the predecessor’s. Thankfully, OnePlus is now giving them a strong reason to remain loyal customers: all the updates for the newest model will arrive to the One Plus 3, too #mobilemagic

One Plus has confirmed that the One Plus 3 smartphone will receive Android Nougat at the same time as the upgraded device. Both smartphones will continue to update their software in parallel, from that point on. This means you don’t have to worry about your One Plus 3 staying behind. The device will keep up with the latest software updates for months to come. That’s the assumption, at least, since the company hasn’t released an official end date.

So, don’t worry guys: you don’t have to pay $465 for a new, shiny phone when the old one hasn’t got a scratch on it! Oh, and if you keep reading, you might just spot our surprise for you!

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