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Photographer Takes F1 Shots With 104-Year-Old Camera

joshua paul photographer
Joshua Paul

Usually, in sport photography, it’s all about speed. The more frames a camera can capture per second, the swifter it moves, the greater your chances of getting a couple of good shots. But one photographer is starting to prove the opposite. Instead of taking photos at the Formula 1 with the latest camera equipment, Joshua Paul uses a camera that takes a maximum of 20 pictures #fotomagic

Joshua Paul is a veteran photographer. He spent years taking travel and adventure shots until stumbling upon a 1969 magazine. That publication opened his eyes at the possibility of composing a sports shot. It was filled with Indy 500 photos but neither of them was your typical clean shot. All were blurry and out of focus, depicting a different face of the event.

That made Paul search for a camera that could help him achieve the same effect at sports competitions. In the end, he found a Graflex 4×5 view camera from 1913. After testing it for a while, he tried his luck at the 2013 Spanish Grand Prix. While other photographers were glued to the to shutter button, Paul took his time and thought carefully about each shot before capturing it on camera. His Graflex could only take 20 photos per session.

The results? Beautiful!

These and more pictures can be seen on the photographer’s Instagram account. Joshua Paul has since become the founder of publication Lollipop, which is focused on Formula One events.

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