
Police Car Uses Facial Recognition To Detect Suspects


Biometrics are quickly becoming not just hackers’ no.1 enemy for hackers but also every law offender’s worst nightmare. Thanks to researchers at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China’s Police Equipment Joint Research Lab, police cars will identify suspects before they have a chance to commit another fellony with face recognition.

According to Wall Street Journal, one police vehicle was equipped with a facial recognition system capable of picking out the “bad guys” from as far as 60 meters. The SUV has a 360-degree rooftop camera that scans faces automatically and compares them with the police’ database. The system can pick out gender, age and race. When it has a match, the officers start paying attention to the suspects’ behaviour. The biometric system can also dig for vehicle information (license plate numbers, car type) and can identify mobile phones. If policemen choose to, they can set it to look for just one sort of person.

We won’t know its success rate until the car hits the streets in September, in Hangzhou, but in the near future this technology might become a standard in law enforcement. #biomagic

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