PlayStation Sony Bluepoint Games

Potential PlayStation Acquisition of Bluepoint Leaked By Its Own Twitter Account

PC: PlayStation

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Earlier today, PlayStation announced it had acquired Housemarque as a new addition to PlayStation Studios. In the process, the company may have accidentally revealed it had acquired Bluepoint Games.

As reported by VGC, PlayStation’s Japanese Twitter account posted a congratulatory message about the Housemarque acquisition. Yet, the accompanying image showed the Bluepoint Games logo. The tweet has since been deleted.

The original tweet, with image artwork from Demon’s Souls and the Bluepoint Games logo. Source: VGC.

This image differs from the one from Housemarque as Bluepoint Games game artwork fits right in between Returnal and Horizon Zero Dawn.

If this is true, PlayStation will have made two key purchases within a short period of time. Bluepoint Games has helped remaster several Sony titles, including Shadow of the Colossus, the first three releases in the Uncharted franchise, and most recently, Demon’s Souls for the PlayStation 5.

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Potential PlayStation Acquisition of Bluepoint Leaked By Its Own Twitter Account

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