
Meet Sanbot, The Helpful Robot Even Your Grumpy Grandad Will Love

The Messe Berlin & CityCube exhibition grounds are huge, I mean you can hardly get from one end to the other (South-North) in one day. If you tend to get distracted easily, you might not even make it past 3 halls! But if you’re there with business, like we were, you have to check the IFA app to see where the good stuff is. One name on our must-see list was Qihan Technology and, after leaving behind home appliances, we reached the stand in Hall 7.1A. Why? To see the cutest robot in Berlin, Sanbot #machinemagic

Sanbot is nothing like the creepy robots that would do anything to look human. Instead, it has big eyes filled with wonder or happiness, full eyelashes and arms to guide your around. That’s because this bot can be anything you’d like – a salesperson for your shop, family assistant, teacher’s helper, bodyguard, waiter, receptionist or airport guide. In fact, our host there, Mark Lee, VP at Racepoint Global, told us that Sanbot is already providing passengers with essential info in Shenzen Airport so if you’re around, don’t hesitate to ask it for directions.

What makes Sanbot special?

To be honest, we loved it from the moment we saw it dancing around and battling its eyelashes. It’s funky and flirty but most importantly, it uses face and 3D image recognition to find out what you want, follow you around without the need to ask twice and avoiding obstacles when they get in the way.


We got the chance to see it in action at IFA; by simply activating the Follow Me function and putting my hands up, Sanbot recognized I was a person and needed help so it started following me around. You couldn’t stop its mission, I swear! It simply went around other people or big objects like chairs. To control it, I simply had to use the mobile app or reach out and touch one of the available functions on its 10.1 inch 1080P touch screen display. Thanks to its built-in 1920 x 720 HD projector, I could see a movie right then and there! To get its attention, I simply had to address Sanbot, since the robot has semantic comprehension.

When you’re not at home, the guys from Qihan Technology told me you can see what’s going on at home thanks to 8MP HD camera and infrared sensors. It works with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity and has open API so developers can make custom apps for the 92cm bot.

How about battery life and availability?

Sanbot can help you with everything for 4 hours and wait for orders in stand-by mode for another 20 hours. I was told Sanbot would be available in a flexible range of purchase or as a monthly subscription through official distributors by the end of the year. Don’t fret; this cute bot will be available for purchase in Europe and North America!

Bottom line: Sanbot is the most determined bot we’ve seen. In a sea of clumsy robots, this guy doesn’t stumble into anything, doesn’t waver, recognizes your voice and can be used in a multitude of services. The projector and open API are its best features. 

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