
First Qualcomm mmWave Antenna Could Make Ultra-Fast Gigabit 5G a Reality

Credit: Qualcomm

Qualcomm has unveiled its very first mmWave antenna module, the QTM052, which will help mobile phones support high-speed 5G networks.

Creating mmWave hardware for phones is not an easy task though, because the antenna transmits at shorter ranges and can be easily blocked by larger objects such as walls, as well as smaller ones in close proximity such as the user’s hands on the device.

Even so, Qualcomm claims that the QTM052 antenna can overcome all that.

The antenna is about the size of a penny and can reportedly point towards the closest 5G tower and bounce signals from the devices near it. It’s small enough that it can be easily embedded in a phone bezel.


Credit: Qualcomm 

Qualcomm has a modem that can support four of the antenna arrays already – the X50 5G, one for each side of the phone, which matches up to 16 antennas total. This makes sure that regardless of the position you hold your phone in, it will still receive a signal.

According to the company, the first devices that will include the QTM052 antennas will be launching near the start of 2019, so we will be able to see how they perform quite soon.

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