
Robotic Photo Studio Eliminates The Need For A Camera Crew

styleshoots live robotic photo studio

Some people fear robots are going to steal our jobs. Others see them as much needed help, a help that can get humans to focus on creative tasks. StyleShoots fits into the second category. The company has just launched a robotic photo studio #machinemagic

StyleShoots Live is a machine that takes photos and videos of live models to generate a mood previously established by the stylist on an iPad. In order to do that, the studio uses a depth sensor, lighting rig and camera, specifically a Canon 1DX Mark II. The machine does most of the physical work including editing and exporting the media to fit various mediums, from online stores to social networks, such as Instagram or Snapchat. Footage is then saved starting from the model’s outfit for better file organizing.

Basically, the StyleShoots Live studio eliminates the need of a camera crew. To do a shoot, only the model and stylist need to be present.

The setup can be changed with props and different backgrounds in order to suit a specific shooting theme or brand style. It’s obvious the studio can’t replace the creativity and experience of a seasoned photographer but it doesn’t aspire to do that, either. As a matter of fact, the robotic studio is meant to handle basic catalog shoots rather than fashion editorials.

There’s no release date in sight, but the most curious of you can drop by Euroshop 2017 in Düsseldorf, Germany this March to test it. The company will probably rent the machine to fashion brands and agencies for a given period of time.

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