
Rumor: Samsung S8 Will Feature Faster Optical Fingerprint Recognition

Samsung S7 Edge

With all the Note 7 and even S7 Edge explosive devices of the past few weeks, you probably forgot all about Samsung’s next flagship, the so-called Galaxy S8. Well, shame on you! No, kidding. The truth is you’re probably (a bit) too disappointed to care, but according to recent reports, something major will change. The next phone will finally do away with the home button. Moreover, the company is set to replace the fingerprint recognition system with an optical one #mobilemagic

According to Sam Mobile,  Galaxy S8 will be the first phone to feature a “faster and more accurate” form of fingerprint scanning than the one currently available from Qualcomm. Optical fingerprint recognition will log you in immediately (provided your hands aren’t dirty) but it will be easier to hack. The system uses a camera to capture 2D images so essentially a good picture of a fingerprint could fool it. 

That said, we’re doubtful Samsung will equip their next phone with a chipset from Qualcomm but refuse to use the ultrasonic sensor from them.

What do you think – would an optical fingerprint sensor be a step forward or backward for the Korean manufacturer?

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