Smart Life

Samsung Announced the Wall, a 292-Inch 8K Modular TV

Photo credits: Samsung

Samsung’s new version of The Wall, a massive modular MicroLED TV was just announced.

The Wall Luxury is impressive, with a maximum resolution of 8K and measuring 292 inches from corner to corner. Samsung also has an alternative model of 2K and about 73-inches. If the Wall Luxury is your dream come true, the TV can be yours starting next month.

In comparison to Samsung’s previous MicroLED prototypes, this one has a higher maximum resolution but it’s also wider. The Wall that we saw at CES had a 4K MicroLED TV, just 75 inches big. This one has an only 2K resolution in a 73-inch configuration.

As Samsung’s MicroLED technology is modular, it allows configuration for different sizes and resolutions, clipping together like Lego blocks. Keep in mind that you can increase the size of the total TV, but not the resolution of its individual modules.

In comparison to existing LED TVs which create light from behind an LCD layer, MicroLED benefit from a display technology that uses individual LEDs to create a picture. Therefore, the black areas of an image are completely black due to pixels not emitting light.

According to Samsung, The Wall Luxury can be used for 100,000 hours and can achieve a peak brightness of 2,000 nits.

The manufacturer hasn’t announced the price yet, but considering the specs, we can expect something pricy.

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