
Samsung S20+ Kvadrat Cases, Made From Plastic Bottles

If you’re like me, the first thing you’re looking for after buying a new smartphone is a case. Especially if it’s a fragile phone with a glass back and front. However, constantly buying and changing phone cases isn’t the most environmentally-friendly habit. Knowing that, Samsung has released several cases in collaboration with Kvadrat that are not only colorful but that contribute to less plastic pollution.

If you haven’t heard about it before, Kvadrat is a Danish brand that got a coveted European Union’s Ecolabel certification for their yarns made through upcycling. Since Samsung is a supporter of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (also known as the Global Goals), the company decided to partner up with Kvadrat to work on their Galaxy S20+ cases and Watch Active2 cases.

The yarn used for the cases and straps is the product of a process during which plastic bottles are melted down and reformulated.

One plastic bottle can be repurposed to produce 2 Galaxy S20+ phone cases.

“These recycled yarns help to reduce the number of plastic bottles found in landfills and are produced in a way that reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during manufacturing as compared with traditional material processes. The plastic bottle-sourced yarn is formed in an eco-friendly process that preserves non-renewable energy resources.”, further explains the company in a blog post.

Samsung also claims that a portion of revenue from sales of the Galaxy S20+ cases made with Kvadrat textiles will be donated to UNDP in support of the 17 Global Goals.

And if you don’t own an S20+ but have a Galaxy Watch Active2, check out the new straps from Samsung – they’re also made with Kvadrat textiles.

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