
Snapchat Adds A Tool To Help You Keep Social Distancing

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Snapchat recently added AR lenses that allow you to change the background in a photo making it look like your city is in on fire or flooded.

Now, the same technology is used to help you keep a safe distance from people, for the rare times you do go out during the global pandemic.

Image : Snap

“My Social Distance” forms a virtual circle displaying the recommended safe distance between people, according to the World Health Organization’s guidelines.

There is also another lens reminding users to wash their hands, stay at home, and avoid touching their face. These features are approved by WHO and have a link sending you to the official site of the agency.

This is not the first measure Snapchat took to help its users during the global pandemic. The company recently launched a feature called “Here for you” that provides quick access to mental health resources by various organizations like Crisis Text Line, Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and Ad Council.

WHO also collaborates with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger to offer people quick and correct coronavirus-related information. WhatsApp launched a chatbot, while Facebook opened Messenger to developers to create new solutions for delivering fast and reliable news.

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