
Sony Expects Continued PS5 Manufacturing Difficulties Due to Chip Shortage

PC: PlayStation

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For those hoping to get their hands on the ever-elusive PlayStation 5 come 2022, unfortunately it looks like it still be just as hard as ever to get.

According to a report on Engadget, Sony has announced in its earnings report that it expects the supply chain issues to continue hampering the production of PlayStation 5 units at least until the end of the fiscal year. The supply issues continue to be around the chip shortage as production has been unable to come close to matching demand. As such, Sony dropped its expected shipment forecast for the year to 11.5 million units from 14.8 million.

For context, the PlayStation 5 sold 3.9 million units in the holiday quarter of 2022. This would bring the total amount shipped since launch in November 2020 up to 17.3 million total. The PlayStation 4 at this point in its release had a reported 20.2 million units shipped.

It is unclear when exactly the supply chain issues will let up. It is also clear that PS5 scalpers continue to make the mess even bigger, although some major retailers have countered scalping with their own particularly expensive membership plans or package deals.

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Sony Expects Continued PS5 Manufacturing Difficulties Due to Chip Shortage

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