
Sony Reportedly Increasing Production on PlayStation 5 Units

PC: Sony/PlayStation

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As with the release of highly anticipated consoles, there will likely be an initial shortage until production can meet demand. In expectation of a shortage, Sony is reportedly planning on increasing production of PlayStation 5 consoles to meet demand.

As reported by Bloomberg, Sony is planning on producing 10 million PlayStation 5 units to meet holiday demand. This Is approximately double its initial goals of 5 to 6 million units by March 2021. This parallels Sony’s recent move to increase its DualSense controller production up to 10 million units.

However, the publication also notes that its sources say it may be difficult to get all these units to customers for the holiday season due to travel restrictions during this global pandemic. Shipping and air travel lines are extremely limited or take too long.

Based on production timelines, 5 million units will be completed by the end of September with the remaining 5 million units complete sometime before December. However, it is unclear how many disc and disc-less units will be made.

Certainly, 10 million units is a lot more than the original 5-6 million, but supply will still likely be hard to come by. As more information comes out on release date, pricing, and pre-order start date, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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