Smart Life

Squid Game Crypto Coin, Biggest Mistake of 2021

Squid Game, the popular TV show on Netflix, quickly translated into social media filters, offline events and Halloween costumes. All of which are fun, innocent, drama-free by-products; with one exception: the Squid Game crypto coin.

Some folks took advantage of the Netflix’s show popularity and released the eponymous crypto currency only to take advantage of the investors afterwards.

The coin soared by 83,000% over just a few days and peaked at $2800 only to drop at $0 as the creators scammed everyone and left with 3.3 million dollars (at the time of writing).

Weren’t there any red flags? There definitely were: a fishy website, weird chat channels and the big one – no way to sell the coin, only to buy it.

However, in face of the show’s craziness, those weren’t enough. The hype made everyone forget about the risks and the normal process of verifying the cryptocurrency on different platforms or checking out what experts say. Instead, investors took a leap in the dark and feel quite awfully to the ground.

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