
Stardew Valley Developer Announces New Project: Haunted Chocolatier!

PC: ConcernedApe

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ConcernedApe, the developer of hit indie game Stardew Valley, announced his new project yesterday on YouTube!

Titled Haunted Chocolatier, you are the new local chocolatier in a town far off from the city. In order to make the chocolate, you need to fight off monsters and collect resources from the local environment.

In your spare time, you can design an ever growing chocolate store. Local townsfolk will come by and buy the chocolate you’ve made, further expanding your ability to grow your shop.

For fans of Stardew Valley, several features seem to make their return in improved ways. This includes getting to know your fellow townsfolk with expanded dialogue tree options, new weapons for fighting, and new resources to collect. Additionally, the pixel-art style remains but there seem to be a couple of visual updates with the UI elements.

On the game’s official website, ConcernedApe expands on their process of making this game. As they describe, “In Stardew Valley, the focus was more humble: living off the land, growing food, and connected to the people and nature around you. However, with [Haunted Chocolatier], I wanted to explore more fantastical possibilities… experiences that take you beyond the ordinary. That’s where magical haunted ghost chocolate comes in.”

While the video did show off early gameplay, ConcernedApe is clear in that the game is “not going to be ready for a while still.”

Until the game is, we’ll have to be content knowing ConcernedApe has the talent and experience to bring this new game to life.

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Stardew Valley Developer Announces New Project: Haunted Chocolatier!

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