
Watch Steven Spielberg Use HTC Vive To Shoot Ready Player One

Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One has been out for almost a month and we can safely say that it’s been a roaring success. Adapted from Ernest Cline’s novel, it has been in the top 10 box-office movies since its debut, garnering $126.1 million in the United States alone. A couple days ago, HTC released a behind-the-scenes clip of the crew and director during shoots, showing how the team used the HTC Vive headsets to create Ready Player One‘s immersive world.

The movie is filled with special-effects as it is set basically in a virtual and futuristic world. For many actors and directors, dealing with a special-effects generated worlds can be challenging so to make the virtual sets more real for Spielberg and the actors, several HTC Vive headsets were used.

You can see in the clip above how the director walks on an empty soundstage and creates shots, starting from the virtual areas the designers had already put in place. Actors are also seen using the headsets to better understand the environment imagined, as well as the reactions they’re supposed to have to a particular scene.

Actors give life to the movie in a similar way that the special effects, props (where HTC played a significant role), music, and sound effects (with DTS pushing the limits of audio) do. So to give a truly rich, immersive experience, the crew and the tech have to be in sync and thanks to the HTC Vive Headset, they were.

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