Smart Life

Surface Studio Wakes Up When It Hears These Two Magical Words

surface studio cortana

Got a Surface Studio or planning to purchase one? Good news: Microsoft has released its first big update to the all-in-one tool designed for creative professionals. Surface Studio now wakes up upon hearing two magical words #hardwaremagic

Given the popularity of virtual assistants and voice commands these days , it’s no wonder Microsoft’s big update to Surface Studio comes along those lines. Now, you can wake up the system by simply pronouncing two words: “hey Cortana.” With the Wake on Voice update aboard, Surface Studio becomes one of the first systems to support waking from a “modern standby” on voice command.

The implementation of the technology was possible thanks to a new audio driver, available on Windows Update. Microsoft plans on enabling this functionality on other devices from partners, in the second part of 2017. One of those will be Harman Kardon’s speaker, giving it a chance to become a real rival for Amazon Echo.

Wake On Voice feature is part of a larger pack of updates developed with the Creators Update in mind. Microsoft brought it into the light just as Surface Studio debuts in other countries other than US this week, like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

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