
Tesla Is Set To Build World’s Largest Battery Storage Facility

tesla battery

Elon Musk’ promise to install a huge battery storage facility in Australia wasn’t made in vain. The head of Tesla has partnered up with the SA government and French renewables company Neoen, to develop a 100MW lithium-ion battery storage facility this year #todaymagic

Tesla’s battery facility for in Australia will be the world’s largest to date, surpassing other energy storage systems with at least 60%. The Powerpack modules which will be used to put it together will be capable of providing 129 MWh of energy generation. This means that it the facility has the potential of powering up to 30,000 homes if a shortfall in energy occurs.

Musk’ facility will harbor the energy generated by Hornsdale Wind Farm turbines. This shows that the company’s battery packs are adaptable to all alternative energy sources.

The goal of this project, though, is to have a Plan B if something like the 2016 Australian blackout repeats itself. By controlling the amount of power delivered (depending on the urgency of the demand), the facility can help stabilize South Australia’s power grid.

Tesla Powerpack modules will be available for residents, too, while the main project is set to take off on the first day of December, this year.

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