
The Chinese Government Silenced Hong-Kong Protests On Tik Tok


Videos of hundreds of thousands of marchers filling through the streets of Hong Kong, as well as images of protesters, filled the social media background these days.

But if you choose to search on the Hong Kong protest on TikTok, there’s absolutely no information about it there, like it never existed.

Considering the fact that TikTok is the most popular social media platform in China, this is pretty concerning.

According to The Washington Post, the only explanation is that it must be a “politically convenient reality” which TikTok owner ByteDance and the Chinese government agreed on, to manipulate the population.

Therefore, China is censoring the app’s Chinese users in order to quite them from expressing their concerns on this matter, which is basically a human right, according to the Post.

TikTok’s owner declined to offer information to the Post about its “purported independence from censors in Beijing,” mentioning the app is “a place for entertainment, not politics,” and promotes “positive and joyful content.”

Unfortunately, we can’t really tell if the content is being censored by TikTok, it might also be users’ fear that the Chinese government is keeping an eye on their content.

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