
Pixel 3 Will Only Charge At Max Speed On Google-Approved Chargers

google pixel 3

In a report coming in from AndroidPolice, a Google Pixel 3 user has reportedly purchased a 10W Anker wireless charger for his Pixel 3 and discovered that the phone was only charging at a maximum of 500mAh via charging app Ampere.

After contacting Anker he was told that “what we learned is that Google’s official wireless charger can provide 10W for the newly-released Pixel 3 and Pixel XL 3, however, according to our quality engineer, Pixel sets a limitation for third-party charging accessories and we are afraid that even our fast wireless charger can only provide 5W for these 2x devices. Our quality team is to purchase this new models to have a try, once we get a test answer, we will keep the product page updated.”

Google admitted to the fact that  the Pixel 3 charges at 10W on the Pixel Stand because of a “secure handshake”, while third-party chargers are indeed, limited to 5W.

Even so, the company clarified that a certification is on its way via the Made for Google program, which will, eventually, allow third-party chargers to charge at 10W speeds. For now, if you want full charging speeds though, you will have to rely on Google’s Pixel Stand.

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