
The Pokémon Company Releases Updates For Legends Arceus and Gen 4 Remakes

PC: The Pokémon Company

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The Pokémon Company released two informational/promotional videos for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legends Arceus.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, remakes of the Sinnoh region games, were controversial because of its chibi-like aesthetic design.


While not much has changed in that department, the video did provide a better look at the Pokémon, world, and characters throughout the game.


Most notably, viewers could see how the Pokétch was implemented. Given the original games released on the Nintendo DS, the Pokétch normally occupied the second screen and did not interfere with gameplay. It appears that the Pokétch is now a small window on the top right of the screen, providing access to Pokémon stats, step counter, HMs, and more without obscuring the gameplay. There does seem to be an option to toggle the display on and off, although confirmation has yet to be provided.

As for Pokémon Legends Arceus, the released video provided an update on some of the game’s unique additions including details on the mounts, Pokémon wardens, and the bevy of customization options.


Additionally, the trailer showed off on of the game’s main enemy types: the Pokémon Noble. These Pokémon seem larger than their typical iteration and hold dominion over certain areas of the world. The player has to use a combination of action-adventure and traditional Pokémon turn-based fighting mechanics to lower their HP before ultimately catching them.


Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl releases November 19th, 2021 while Pokémon Legends Arceus January 28th, 2022.

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The Pokémon Company Releases Updates For Legends Arceus and Gen 4 Remakes

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