What’s even more impressive than cool, functional, advanced technology? The tech that truly has a positive impact on its users and society. Like Orcam MyEye2, an assistive device that is helping blind or visually impaired people in a way no other wearable does.

At first glance, it doesn’t look like much. MyEye 2 is the size of a USB-stick, lightweight and inconspiscuous which is actually perfect to serve its purpose. See, this wearable can be attached to your pair of glasses to translate the world around you.
Life-changing for the visually impaired, the OrCam device uses computer vision and machien learning to read printed and digital text aloud, from any type of the surface. It does so in real time, without requiring an Internet connection.

Thanks to machine learning, it can also describe the object or person the user is looking at. If it’s a person they’ll meet every other day, the device can store their profile locally and recognize them the next time they are around. Equally impressive is the gesture control, meaning the user can activate the MyEye 2 with a simple tap.
This January, OrCam enhanced their device with interactive reading/natural language processing (NLP) as well as orientation. This means users can make this “translator” give them selective information from a block of text, as you can see in the video above.
Besides creating a device that can help visually impaired people regain their sense of independence, OrCam has managed to reach a global audience. Their product works in more than 25 different languages, including Chinese and Japanese, and can be purchased from their website.

We had the opportunity to see it in action at CES 2020 this year – check it out in the video above!
This is one of several products that have won a TechTheLead Award, after being carefully selected by our editorial staff from all registered entries. Special Awards have been given to products and companies that the editorial staff hand-picked for their outstanding features. The TechTheLead Awards go to products/companies that embody at least one of the following criteria: most innovative features, most compelling use cases, best price versus quality ratio, best user experience, most positive impact for user and society.
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