
Twitter CEO Heading to Capitol Hill to Explain Why Social Media Silences Conservatives


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After months of Facebook finding itself under fire from governmental agencies and public opinion alike, it’s now Twitter’s and other social media platforms’ turn to face public scrutiny on its algorithms.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, alongside representatives from Google and Facebook, are scheduled to appear on September 5th in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Capitol Hill. There, they will have to explain how exactly their algorithms prioritize content, as multiple politicians and users claim that the platforms in question heavily favor liberal sources and “silence” conservative voices.


https://techthelead.com/facebook-begins-to-rate-the-trustworthiness-of-its-users/”>Also read: ✍Facebook Begins To Rate The ‘Trustworthiness’ Of Its Users✍


The House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy, a GOP member, said that he requested Jack Dorsey from Twitter to talk about the filtering on that social media platform because “one-sided conversations are an affront to the public mission that serves as the foundation for these social media platforms.”


On the same day, Twitter’s Dorsey will also have to testify on the topic of election security alongside Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook and a Google spokesperson in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Seeing how a tween managed to hack an election website using age-old tactics, election security should probably start in the Government’s own garden but hey, who doesn’t love a good grilling?


Also read: ✍8 Hardest Questions Mark Zuckerberg Answered In Congress✍

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