
What Will Android N Bring To The Table? Google Answers!


… First of all, not a sweet name. Not yet, at least. Two days ago, at Google’s I/O event, the company decided to give voice to their fans. Instead of wasting time finding a name for Android N, they reached out to fans.. or really anyone who has free time on their hands. Now, it’s up to the Internet to find a name that will continue the legacy started by Google. Fortunately, the team is not so helpless when it comes to the actual product, revealing the features they are excited about #softwaremagic

We all heard here and there about the way Android N will change our mobile experience, but now the biggest highlights of the new OS came from the source. Google said you can expect official support for multiple apps splitscreen, meaning all devices with the operating system will come with this option. Notifications will appear in a dropdown from where you can send in-line replies as well as 72 new emojis to text with.

As far as performance goes, there will be a significant reduction in battery consumption and storage as well as enhanced graphics. Thankfully, you’ll get rid of the annoying Android screen that announced future updates, slowing down the actual updating. You will also benefit from better security, with file-based encryption and automatic system updates.

The beta version has been released on the day of the event so.. we should soon hear about the official launch.

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