
You Can Draw Your House’ Floorplan Just By Taking Pictures With This App

The soul of your house? You and your family. Its DNA? The floorplan. At least, that’s how Pierre Gaubil, CEO of Sensopia, sees it, after launching a smartphone app downloaded more than 10 million times! Why is it so succesful? It draws floorplans based on photos even a kid could take.

MagicPlan makes inside maps while you take pictures of your rooms. The programme measures the room and creates a floorplan based on your annotations. All you need to get going is a handset with Gyroscope and at least Android 4.0 or iOS 7.0.  Then, without measuring from your part or changes in decor, you get a sketch that you can show your decorator or architect for future rennovations. It’s also a good option for real estate agents. Now, that’s what we call #mobilemagic!

To use it for commercial purposes, share it with other users or simply save the plan to PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, DXF, CSV you need to pay a monthly fee of $9.99 that guarantees unlimited access.

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