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You Too Can Be A Super Cringe LinkedIn Influencer with This Viral Post Generator

Ever wondered how the cringe on LinkedIn happens?

This Viral Post Generator might give you an answer that helps preserve your sanity as you scroll through endless self-serving updates on LinkedIn.

Microsoft’s social media platform for professionals inexplicably turns regular people into narcissistic influencers who share anecdotes that strains credulity. Do you want to be a LinkedIn influencer too?

viral post generator on linkedin

With this new tool, you can spam “engaging” anecdotes as well. Lack the imagination to come up with the implausible scenarios served as fact by most other Linkedin influencers? You and me both, but thankfully we have AI to come to the rescue.

viral post generator on linkedin

The tool was built by Tom Orbach, a growth marketing manager in Israel, and the posts generated are somehow both diverse in topic and “same” in tone of voice at the same time – the perfect LinkedIn content.

Even better, you have a “Cringe” slider you can adjust in order to make your post sound more official or bombastic, depending on what you’re thinking to share.

viral post generator on linkedin

After I tried it a few times, I noticed that the maximum cringe level seems to add a few more emojis to the generated posts. Still, all of them looked realistic enough to fool anyone scrolling through LinkedIn.

You can take the tool for a spin here

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You Too Can Be A Super Cringe LinkedIn Influencer with This Viral Post Generator

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