
Finally, YouTube Is Adding Speed To Its Mobile App

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YouTube is set to bring one more of its desktop features to its mobile app. This time, it will help you sort through videos faster or slower to get the details you were looking after #softwaremagic

9to5Google has found a new feature in the YouTube Android app. Playing with a Google Pixel that has the latest version of the video platform downloaded, they’ve noticed something new pop up in the mobile menu. Upon clicking the three dots, after the option to Report, change the Quality of the video or activate Captions, you’ll see Speed.

If you recall from your desktop experience, this is the ability to speed up the playback of the video or slow it down. Until now, YouTube mobile users couldn’t do either, condemned to either follow the entire video or jump to certain scenes. It was easy to pass over details you or others might have wanted to look closer at – like in tutorials, for example.

Of course, the change won’t be easy to access by all users immediately; YouTube is probably testing it with a small number of people for now. Soon though, all of us will get the chance to go up to 2x the normal speed of a video or slow it down to 0.75x on a smartphone.

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