
Just 6 Months Of Jail For YouTuber Who Crashed A Plane On Purpose 

jacob trevor screencap from 'i crashed my plane'

A YouTuber who crashed a plane intentionally for views is going to jail but, surprise surprise, it won’t be for long. How far would some people go to get a click? Very far, considering the consequences aren’t very consequential.

In 2021, YouTuber Trevor Jacob posted a video of himself parachuting out of a plane he said had malfunctioned. However, that was not the case – the plane was fine, at least until the YouTuber purposefully crashed it into the Los Padres National Forest in Southern California.

From a report:

Jacob pleaded guilty to one felony count of destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation on June 30. “It appears that (Jacob) exercised exceptionally poor judgment in committing this offense,” prosecutors said in the release. “(Jacob) most likely committed this offense to generate social media and news coverage for himself and to obtain financial gain. Nevertheless, this type of ‘daredevil’ conduct cannot be tolerated.”

Jacob received a sponsorship from a company and had agreed to promote the company’s wallet in the YouTube video that he would post. […] The release said Jacob lied to federal investigators when he filed a report that falsely indicated his plane lost full power approximately 35 minutes into the flight. He also lied to a Federal Aviation Administration aviation safety inspector when he said he had parachuted out of the plane when the airplane’s engine had quit because he could not identify any safe landing options.

Thinking that’s the end of the lying? Scroll on, you’re in for a treat.

For these actions, what’s actually surprising is how little time Jacob will spend in jail – all in all just 6 months.

Back in May, when news of Jacob’s incredible stunt broke, the Independent explained why the YouTuber is in such hot water – and that explanation will make you sigh considering his actions.

From that report:

“What got him in trouble with the U.S. Attorney’s Office wasn’t the potential for damage such as a fire, but his actions after being rescued. Despite being told the Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board needed to investigate the wreck and wanted the coordinates, in December, Jacob — and a friend whose name is blacked out — hired a helicopter out of Paso Robles, strapped the wreck to a hoist, and had the heli take it to Rancho Sisquoc. From there, Jacob trucked it to Lompoc Airport, where he cut it up and distributed the parts to different dumpsters “with the intent to impede and obstruct federal authorities,” the plea agreement states.”

 And yes, he has already uploaded a video about his sentencing. 

And here you can see his original video.

Also read: This Hilarious Criminal Life Hack Goes Viral: Meet the Fake Silicone Finger

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