If Headspace, Calm, and other meditation apps haven’t done too much for your mental wellbeing or your naps, then Bob Ross is sure to help you finally relax.
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Calm.com just released an official Bob Ross Sleep Story for their Calm mobile app, bringing the famous painter to your screen to help you sleep better.
Simply named Painting with Bob Ross, the new add-on brings recordings from The Joy of Painting which includes both Bob Ross’s voice and calming sounds like brush strokes or palette dabs. If they prove successful, Calm.com will extend the series with more Sleep Stories.
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“When we got the audio for the bobblehead, you could hear his brush strokes. They asked if they could edit the sound out. We said, ‘Oh, no.’ That’s part of the allure. He doesn’t sound as good without the swishing of the brush and the scraping of his knife,” said Joan Kowalski, president of Bob Ross Inc.
After watching the video below a few times, it’s hard to disagree.
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