
San Francisco Considers Citywide Ban on All Facial Recognition Technology


San Francisco might become the very first city in the U.S to ban the use of facial recognition technology under a legislation called The Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance, which was proposed on Tuesday by Supervisor Aaron Peskin.

If it would be approved, the ordinance would stop any departments in the city, such as law enforcement, from both purchasing and using facial recognition technology, before getting approval from the Board of Supervisors.

In addition to that, the legislation also intends to bring in annual audits that will make sure that the technology that is eventually purchased and approved is not being misused in any way.

“We know that facial recognition technology, which has the biases of the people who developed it, disproportionately misidentifies people of color and women. This is a fact.”

Aaron Peskin

The legislation has already gained a lot of support from civil rights groups such as the ACLU of Northern California and it will be reviewed in committee in February.

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