
A Beginner’s Guide to Dredge, The Hit Indie Game

dredge indie game from black salt games

Indie games are ruling a large chunk of the gaming market, and Black Salt Games has released their much-anticipated game title, Dredge, this year. This is a fishing-horror game where you are a fishing vessel’s captain. 

You must explore the waters of the supernatural sea, ‘The Marrows,’ and look for treasure, mysteries, and potential hauls. However, you need to make sure that you stay on guard and keep an eye out for mechanical failures and horrors that are present below you.

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dredge screenshot


If you are booting up the game for the first time, it will feel more challenging than it will feel like a simple fishing game. However, as you progress through the open world, you will face some challenges and experience chaos in this well-imagined environment.

 To help you complete the game, we have provided a list of tips for beginners, which will give you an edge and help you finish the game easily.

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Tips to Help You Dominate the Game

1.      Stick to Fishing at First

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When you start the game, the gameplay remains simple. You start in an area between Greater and Little Marrow, and your job is to fish. There are different spots in that area, and you can get a great haul from those places.

You can store your haul in your small inventory and then sell them in Greater Marrow. If you go beyond that, you will be attacked by Lovecraftian Horrors and get lost in the darkness.

The better option will be to upgrade your ship before you start exploring the open waters; selling fish is the best way. Keep on repeating this process till you get the next tip.

2.      Proper Inventory Management

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Inventory management can become the deciding factor if you want to clear this game. You have a limited inventory and must decide how to make the best of it. If you fail, you will lose some great opportunities to catch unique creatures and earn a fortune.

The inventory in this game is designed as a matrix where each item occupies a certain number of cells. Keep an eye on each fish you store in your inventory, as each has unique shapes and sizes and can occupy a different number of cells.

You will need to place them in your inventory in a Tetris-like manner to optimize the space you have to make the maximum profit.

It is better to do some research and find out how many cells are consumed by a fish or sea creature you will catch. That way, you can sell off any excess fish or treasures beforehand and have enough space to store your catch. Also, you can sell off all your haul before going on the next fishing trip.

If you can learn to arrange your inventory early in the game, it will help you glide through the game. If you spend too much time on this, you will not even realize when the night has come, and the terrors of the sea will swarm you.

Also, it is better to leave some space in your inventory before returning so that you can store unique treasures or fish that you find on your way.

3.      Focus on Boat Upgrades

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Catching certain fish and traversing some waters will require upgrading your boat and rods. There are two ways in which you can do so – explore the world and research new parts for purchase or bring materials to the shipwright so that he can make the necessary upgrades.

If you are looking for research units, then you can keep an eye on side quests or shipwrecks. Meanwhile, you can check out different fishing spots if you are looking for crafting materials, and some wrecks can also have valuable crafting materials.

Besides that, you can purchase different fishing poles to catch different types of fish. They are available in the shipyards in different towns.

If you want to explore the world more, ensure you are well-equipped to do so. You can buy a second engine and a light.

The boat upgrade system in this game is excellent, and you can get the necessary upgrades quickly.

4.      Be Careful in the Dark

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While the daytime can be pleasant in Dredge, the nights can be a nightmare. You will hear whispers that will reduce your sanity, and the more you lose it, the weirder your hallucinations will become.

Plus, you need to keep an eye out for angler fish. Those sneaky creatures can fool you into thinking that you are looking at the light of another ship at night.

If you are looking to explore the dark seas, there are some things that you need to keep in mind.

Firstly, focus on getting the biggest and brightest flashlights that you can. If you spend too much time in the dark, your sanity will reduce, and your hallucinations will become more and more complex. The creatures can destroy your boat, and the hallucinations can cause you to crash your ship on rocks.

If you are having a hard time exploring the seas in the dark, or you are a beginner, it will be better for you to stick to the shores at night. Coastal waters are available to the player from the beginning of the game, and if you plan to do some fishing at night, sticking to the shores might be the best option.

5.      Talk to NPCs

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You can catch fish, explore the dark seas, and do a lot of stuff in Dredge. However, you need to know how and where to get the necessary resources to be possible.

There are several ports where you can anchor and talk to the NPCs out there. You may not notice it at first, but if you speak to them, you can get access to new quests, rare items, and other tips that will help you progress through the game. Plus, if you are interested in investing your time learning lore and exploring the world, talking to the NPCs is the best thing you can do.

Wrapping Up

These are some tips you can follow to clear this game as a beginner. To sum it up, you need to stick to fishing at initial phases, upgrade your ship, manage your inventory, ensure you have enough lighting and provisions for the dark, and talk to NPCs to get access to hidden quests and items.

Friendly Frenzy Games is a little-known YouTube channel but their guide to Dredge is a fantastic resource to help you master the game, especially in the beginning. It’s clear the content creator has a lot of passion for their craft so take a few minutes to check it out. We also left another Dredge guide below that will definitely help you survive longer.

The 2023 Dredge Guide posted by Gaming Athlete, another criminally-underrated YouTube channel, has every uptodate advice crammed in under 15 minutes. It’s chockful of actionable tips including the recommended Dredge perks and what to build. Since it’s coming from a Dredge main who has played this game for over 1,000 hours, it’s a killer guide through and through.

Article contributed by Sarah Paul, a content outreach writer for OffGamers, and updated constantly with more tips for playing Dredge.

About Sarah Paul: I foster relationships between gaming enthusiasts and gaming developers to create relevant content for gamers worldwide. I also happen to be a passionate writer and certified night owl.

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