
Apple to Allow Alternative Payment

PC: Apple

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Apple will now allow developers on the platform to create and manage an alternative payment system outside its previously mandated method.

According to VGC, the shift in policy is based around agreements from a 2019 class-action lawsuit. This will allow publishers to “promote alternative payment options via email – which users can opt-in, or out of – which would allow them to offer reduced prices due to not have to pay Apple a 30 percent platform fee.”

Additionally, Apple will create a $100 million small business fund and expand the App Store’s available price offerings from 100 to more than 500.

This lawsuit and subsequent decision are separate from the lawsuit Epic filled against Apple. Epic’s lawsuits against Apple and Google have been about both company’s monopolization of apps tore marketplaces with the App Store and Play Store, respectively. While different in content, the lawsuits do have similarly push against Apple’s control over the iPhone app ecosystem.  

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Apple to Allow Alternative Payment

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