
Are Robot Waiters Replacing Humans For The Sake Of Social Distancing?

Image: @royalpalacerenesse

Restaurants across the world have started opening their doors, after most countries closed businesses due to the pandemic. Establishments started operating at a much smaller capacity, keeping social distancing in place, and a restaurant in the Netherlands has found an ingenious way of doing that, according to the Associated Press.

The Royal Palace restaurant in the town of Renesse has two red-and-white robots that greet customers, serve food and pick up used dishes from diners’ tables. The robots may not look very friendly but they prove to be very useful.

Leah Hu, who is running the family owned business, says “They help us with the work we do, we are often busy and cleaning tables and the robots give us an extra hand. We are not disappearing. We are still here. They will always need people in this industry.”

During these times when only a limited numeber of people are recommended to be indoor at once, a robot waiter seems like a blessing. Robots can’t spread the coronavirus, but they are also limited in functions, so for now, humans are still needed.

The food industry suffered huge losses during this global pandemic, restaurants losing about 5.5 million jobs in April alone. It doesn’t look like robots will replace humans for good in this industry, at least for now. Restaurants in China have been using robots for years now, but it seems to be more a novelty than an actual improvement. A few years ago, two restaurants in China had to close down because of the terrible job robots were doing.

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