
This Children’s Book Can Explain to You Blockchain and Bitcoin

a place in the blockchain blockchain childrens book

No question about it, last December it wasn’t Santa on everyone’s minds, but Bitcoin, the digital coin that soared to over $20.000 in value.

However, the technology it’s based on, the blockchain, remains confusing to a lot of people, with terms like “ledger” or “mining” proving too complicated for the general audience.

Brett Biery, a software developer and blockchain expert, decided to educate people by explaining the blockchain in a children’s book. A place in the Blockchain is a children’s story designed to illustrate the blockchain and its creation, Bitcoin, in the simplest terms.

It illustrates how the decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it almost impossible to modify previous transactions. It’s not quite like Cryptokitties, but it’s just as cute!

“A Place in the Blockchain is a picture book for children about a character named Blocky struggling to find its place in the blockchain. Blocky’s adventure to discover his place in the blockchain covers many of the same emotions children will experience as they deal with their own adventures of fitting in at school and with friends. In the end Blocky is able to find his place,” explains the author.

The book is currently free to download on Amazon if you’re looking for some light reading.

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