
British Gas Research Shows £147 In Yearly Savings If You Simply Switch Off “Vampire Devices”

Everyone knows most electronics drain power even when they’re on standby but how much power can that add up to?

According to British Gas research done in 2019 and updated to reflect rising prices, UK households could save an average of £147 per year simply by turning off the electronics they didn’t use.

Considering the UK has seen a 54% rise in the energy price cap and that translates to a typical yearly bill of £1,971 per household, £147 in savings can be a significant help to most households.

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“If something doesn’t need to be on, then you should switch it off at the wall or unplug it. Everything else, just try and make it as easy as possible to turn it off,” said Brian Horn, Senior Insight and Analytics consultant at the Energy Saving Trust.

According to British Gas, a TV can draw up to £24.61 worth of electricity per year when left in standby, while a set-top box can add £23.10, a games console £12.17 and a PC £11.22.

All these appliances can act as “vampire devices”, according to the BBC, inflating already record-high electricity bills.

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British Gas Research Shows £147 In Yearly Savings If You Simply Switch Off “Vampire Devices”

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