Smart Life

Cisco Forecast: 5 Years from Now, Half the Internet Will Be Machines Talking to Each Other

cisco forecast 2016

Cisco just released its annual internet forecast and, as expected, the numbers are fascinating. #todaymagic

The major prediction is that machine-to-machine communication (M2M) will account for 51% of all internet usage. No, don’t worry, it’s not Skynet. This means that, by 2021, devices in your pocket, smart home or office will account for more than half of the projected 27.1 billion total devices.

Cisco just released its annual internet forecast and, as expected, the numbers are fascinating. #todaymagic

The major prediction is that machine-to-machine communication (M2M) will account for 51% of all internet usage. No, don’t worry, it’s not Skynet. This means that, by 2021, devices in your pocket, smart home or office will account for more than half of the projected 27.1 billion total devices.

Cisco forecast highlights:

80 percent of all internet traffic will be video, up from 67 percent last year

There will be 3 TRILLION Internet video minutes per month by 2021. (Confusing? This means that the Internet will circulate about one million video minutes every second.)

Wi-Fi home spots will grow from 85 million globally in 2016 to 562.2 million in 2021

Most of the Cisco forecast points in this direction: expect more cord-cutters, a lot more video streaming in your home and day-to-day life and a multitude of online devices. The Internet of Things is getting bigger and bigger so we’re curious: how many IoT devices do you have in your home? How many do you think you’ll have in 5 years?

See the full report here.

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