
Deep Space Astronauts Might Have Erectile Dysfunction, New Study Finds

Becoming an astronaut is a dream many had for decades, but what about the risks of being an astronaut?

A new study found that deep space astronauts are at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction. This is another risk in a very long list, which includes thinner bones, wasting muscles, an elevated cancer risk and, of course, the pure mental horror from confronting the abyss.

From a report in The Guardian:

In what is claimed to be the first study to assess the impact of galactic radiation and weightlessness on male sexual health, Nasa-funded researchers found that galactic cosmic rays, and to a lesser extent microgravity, can impair the function of erectile tissues, with effects lasting potentially for decades. Raising their concerns in a report on Wednesday, the US researchers said they had identified “a new health risk to consider with deep space exploration.” They called for the sexual health of astronauts to be closely monitored on their return from future deep space missions, noting that certain antioxidants may help to counteract the ill-effects by blocking harmful biological processes.

“While the negative impacts of galactic cosmic radiation were long-lasting, functional improvements induced by acutely targeting the redox and nitric oxide pathways in the tissues suggest that the erectile dysfunction may be treatable,” said Dr Justin La Favor, an expert in neurovascular dysfunction at Florida State University and a senior author on the study.

Of course, erectile dysfunction is a risk for people with their feet firmly stuck on earth as well. This study’s researchers say that more than half of men over the age of 40 experience erectile dysfunction.

You can read their full paper here

Also read: NASA Lost A Tool Bag In Space: How You Can See It With Just A Pair Of Binoculars

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