Smart Life

Don’t Have a Guard Dog? Don’t Worry, Alexa Can Fill the Spot!

Right now, Alexa is probably managing a big part of your calendar and home chores like a proper housekeeper but real soon it coud play the part of a guard dog, too.

Alexa Guard Plus is the name of a new subscription service launching this week to protect your house from intruders.

With this new feature, Alexa has at its disposal a suite of tools to keep you safe and sound. The most fun is definitely its ability to turn into a guard dog at command playing the barking sound that would turn back intruders. A close second is its “Home Alone” powers to turn lights on and off when you’re out of the house to make it appear like you’re actually inside.

Of course, all of that depends on whether the user has smart lights in the house and security cameras connected to Alexa.

Besides these two, the Alexa Guard Plus service ensures your vocal call for help enables Alexa to call a 24/7 helpline so you can ask for assistance from local authorities.

Plus, the mics in the Amazon Echo devices can let Alexa detect sounds that are abnormal to your household, including specific sounds like smoke alarms, glass breaking, or carbon monoxide warnings, and alert you via mobile notification.

The Alexa Guard Plus service works as a subscription for $5 a month or $50 a year if you like the one-month trial. And hey, if you are a Ring Protect Plus subscriber, you’ll be able to take advantage of this service for free.

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Don’t Have a Guard Dog? Don’t Worry, Alexa Can Fill the Spot!

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